Mos Maiorum - A politika íratlan szabályai

What is PiS for?

after it has a President

2015. május 26. - Vendégszerző.


Piotr Jaroszyński


piotr_foto.jpgAndrzej Duda won presidential elections in Poland against Bronisław Komorowski who was the president for last 5 years. Duda is a member of "Prawo i Sprawiedliwość" [Law and Justice], has PhD in Law (Jagiellonian University), is a member of European Parliament, and worked in the Presidential Office of president Lech Kaczynski (2007-2010).

Komorowski represents leftliberal "Platforma Obywatelska" [Citizens Platform], which has been ruling Poland for the last 8 years, becoming more and more left than liberal in every aspect of public life, especially antichristianity (legalization of gender) and weakening of national and state independence in favour of the European Union and globalization.


Duda is a member of "Prawo i Sprawiedliwość" [Law and Justice], has PhD in Law (Jagiellonian University), is a member of European Parliament, and worked in the Presidential Office of president Lech Kaczynski (2007-2010).

Photo: Reuters

Duda's victory is a first step towards a possible victory of the patriotic and Christian parties in the parliamentary elections which will take place in Fall this year. Of course, the President does not rule the country, but the Prime Minister. In order to take the rule over, PiS needs to have majority in the Parliament as well, which will be able to choose a Prime Minister and approve his goverment. The main issues in the struggle to win the parliamentary elections are to reject gender ideology and a referendum against the possibility to sell to foreigners land and forests in Poland. PiS is also against the Euro. But most importantly, the PiS is not ready to obey EU in the area of its socialist ideology.


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