Mos Maiorum - A politika íratlan szabályai

Rebooting Political Communication

Or how politics and its practitioners have embraced web 2.0?

2013. október 31. - Vendégszerző.


The manner in which political practitioners are tapping into web 2.0 platforms will be looked into in this post. The role of social media and the internet as part of the communication strategies being employed by political parties as well as organisations will be covered in another post.   



Technology has been at the heart of a number of defining moments in political history. Wartime Britain found heart in Churchill’s radio speeches. John F. Kennedy excelled during his televised debates in 1960 which in turn helped his White House bid. The same can be said of new media where a certain junior senator from Illinois managed to exploit new media to gain popularity and support among the US electorate in 2008 and secure re-election in 2012.  

 Yet, social media and other web 2.0 channels differ from the more conventional means of television and radio as they allow for reactions to be conveyed in real-time by the participating audience. Barack Obama’s afore-mentioned communication strategy has been credited as a driving force in making it to office but a lesser known Presidential hopeful had realised its potential earlier on in the decade. Howard Dean, contesting the Democrat Presidential Primaries in 2003 decided to opt for internet chatrooms as a means to raise funds for his campaign. The decision paid off as he raised more money than then Vice President Dick Cheney for the Republican cause on the same night. Although the physician-turned-senator eventually dropped out of the race, his bold move paved the way in many respects.

 The internet and the emerging technologies that it has spawned are now means to inform and mobilise voters as well as raise awareness on issues that might have otherwise been left by the wayside.

 Those sending a message, be it personal or political, need to make sure that it is being acknowledged and understood by the target audience. Along with ensuring relevance, the sender needs to invest in building social capital so as to prompt a reaction from their followers. The process is a gradual one whereby the public responds more positively to regular and personalised interaction. Links established between individuals may prove to be mutually beneficial in the long-term as illustrated by the Friendship Paradox.      

 The construct, first advanced by Scott Feld in 1991, has been reworked to explain why one’s Facebook friends are likely to have more contacts than he/she does. When considered in the context of political communication, an online presence and/or message may potentially reach thousands if not millions as an individual’s contacts serve as entry point to networks which may have previously been inaccessible.

 The profound effect on how politicians communicate and go about their political business has been underlined in many ways. Compare the American remake of the political thriller House of Cards to the BBC original aired in 1990. The two series do share a storyline yet differ in the manner through the way the protagonists exploit the communication channels at their disposal.


Despite the fact that timing remains key, the speed with which information is conveyed through online channels allows for greater control being exerted by the sender. Another characteristic that is to be considered is that public reaction can be gauged in real-time, with media specialists and public figures being required to be on their toes at all times. Equally, those who have political ambitions are finding that the line between their public and private lives is increasingly narrowing. Anthony Weiner’s indiscretions revealed during the summer is a case in point. Political figures are now finding out themselves that with greater visibility comes greater scrutiny which had previously been afforded mainly to celebrities.  

 The double-edged sword that is social media is increasingly becoming the medium of choice among those who have political aspirations. Its innovative features may have changed the way we communicate but at the end of the day, online communication is and will be expected to facilitate the one feature of social interaction.Connecting people.


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